Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jump into January!!

We had a joke day where some great jokes were told and the kids laughed whether they got it or not!

We had an Ice-cream Party!

 We had a clay day where we made snakes, snowmen and monsters with lots of eyes!

We ended the month by going to the Bean Museum to see the wild animals!

(Thanks Lisa for the pictures!)

A Pride of Lions!!

December memories!

Dog Day!!

Slipper Day!!

University Mall! we come!!!
(We sang on our way...and got a lot of smiles!)


We told Santa what we wanted!

"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the Way!!"

"You Better Not Pout...I'm telling you why...Santa Claus is Coming to Town!"

Donuts and Juice in the Food Court!

We had a fun month!